Operation “Reforger-Sobieski” – the Liberation of Germany from Islam



by Patrick Cloutier

 Background: In 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel triggered a flood of over 2 million, male Muslim migrants into Germany and Europe. They travelled a route through the Balkans, into Germany and beyond. Europe has since been engulfed by a wave of rape and crime. This contingency plan proposes that the migrants be expelled, via the route they entered Europe.


                      Below: Proposed Migrant Route out of Germany  


“REFORGER-SOBIESKI” – The Operation:

The title of the operation reminds us: 1) of the Cold War-era REFORGER (Return of Forces to Germany) military exercises, which highlighted the airlifting of US military reinforcements; and 2) Polish King Jan Sobieski III, who drove the Turks from the gates of Vienna in 1683. Thus we acknowledge that the liberation of Germany and Europe may not be practicable, without US and Polish participation.

OBJECTIVE: Expel all Muslim and African migrants, and their families, from Germany. Migrants shall exit Germany and Europe, via the 2015-2016 main route of entry.


This scenario assumes that Germany has descended into utter chaos, as a result of the Merkel Regime’s maladministration and unwillingness to confront the threat that 2 million male Muslim migrants pose to the historic European population. Due to election fraud, police-state internet controls, propaganda and censorship, opposition parties are unable to gain enough strength to force her Christian Democratic Union party from power. While police resources are directed against persons who hold dissident or nationalist opinions, law enforcement is prevented from protecting the historic German population from any crimes the migrants may commit. Chancellor Merkel’s continuing destruction of her countrymen and Europe suggests madness. Representatives of the German Military have secretly approached certain NATO and neutral nations, to seek international intervention.

In confidential meetings, US and European representatives have concluded that Chancellor Merkel has violated provisions of the NATO Treaty, namely: a) the Preamble, by which the Allied nations each pledge to “safeguard the freedom, common heritage, and civilization” of the historic peoples of Europe; b) Article 2, by which member-states are required to promote “conditions of stability and well-being” within the Alliance; and c) Article 8, by which member-states are prohibited from entering “into any international engagement in conflict with the Treaty.” European Union migrant policy, as it is a preface to replacement of the historic nations of Europe with Muslim, African, and Asian peoples, conflicts with the NATO Alliance’s purpose of safeguarding and perpetuating the European peoples.

As the forces supporting the Merkel regime represent “combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the course of ordinary judicial proceedings”, several NATO and neutral states have resolved to use military force to restore stability and popular integrity to Germany. Nations participating in stability and integrity operations include: the United States, Poland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands,[1] Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Slovakia. The German Military and Bereitschaftspolizei have prepared for Allied reinforcements and police participation (grand total of 243,000 federal, state, and local police). The governments of France, Belgium, and the United Kingdom, showing domestic favor to migrant violence, have not been consulted on this operation and the plans are communicated outside usual NATO channels.[2] Russian friendliness is secured with U.S. recognition of Crimean accession to the Russian Federation.

While the headquarters of the various national militaries involved have drawn up plans for intervention, the Operation is not preceded by any build-up of forces; rather forces shall march from their barracks to staging areas or objectives, in order to preserve the advantage of surprise against the Merkel regime.



The Allied and Associated Coalition forces shall direct and guide migrants and refugees to and along a departure corridor out of Germany. The United States shall have supreme command, and shall command stability and integrity operations between the North and Baltic seas and the Austrian-Slovenian frontier. Italian Armed Forces shall assume command and control of repatriation operations and the refugee column, from the Austro-Slovenian frontier, to the Turkish frontier in Europe. Italian-led operations shall be discussed in a subsequent document.

The Allied strategy may be characterized as a plunger and cylinder. Various Allied units shall form the walls of a cylinder, while several German and Allied units shall form the plunger, which shall push down, expelling the migrants from Germany.

The Allied and International Coalition shall direct migrants toward the departure corridor, which shall have as start points Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, and Frankfurt. Migrants shall be thence guided toward Munich (München). Migrants shall then proceed via the München-Vienna-Zagreb-Belgrade-Skopje-Thessalonika-Istanbul corridor. From Istanbul they shall be repatriated to their home countries. An alternate corridor from the vicinity of Belgrade shall be Belgrade-Sofiya-Edirne-Istanbul. If Turkish President Erdogan, who facilitated the migrant invasion of Europe, will not cooperate, then the Plan Green Partition of Turkey Scenario may be partially or fully implemented. Greece’s eastern frontier shall be extended to the Sea of Marmara, and Muslim inhabitants between the Maritsa River and Sea of Marmara shall be resettled in Asia.


To facilitate command and control among Allied and Associated forces, several corps commands shall be established, among them a US Corps, a German Corps, and a Polish Corps. Under this scenario, a “Sonderkorps Befehl”, or extemporized Special Corps Command is created to coordinate Swiss, German, and Austrian units operating in Baden-Württemburg and western Bavaria. The Sonderkorps Befehl is under command of the Swiss, who in turn are subordinate to the US Corps. Austrian units south of the Austrian border are not subordinate to the Sonderkorps Befehl; Austrian units securing the German border towns of Obersdorf, Schwangau, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Mittenwald, Berchtesgaden, Burghausen, and Passau are not subordinate to the Sonderkorps Befehl.



D-Day and H-Hour: D-Day and H-Hour to be determined. In this scenario, H-Hour is set for 0200. German muster is H-Hour minus 1 hour; Continental European muster is H-Hour minus 1 hour; Continental US muster is H-Hour minus 10 hours. US muster shall be camouflaged as response to tensions with a non-European nation. US forces designated for airlift from CONUS shall be in the air at H-Hour minus 8 hours.

Martial Law shall be declared in Germany, simultaneous to the start of operations.


Special Forces from member-states of the multi-national coalition shall have tip-of-the-spear roles in “Reforger-Sobieski”. They shall act as both prod and facilitator in the ongoing operation. In close cooperation with federal, state, and local police, they shall act on intelligence received from the military and law enforcement, concerning the identity and location of Muslim jihadists and radical clerics, who may attempt to organize resistance to the expulsion of Muslim and African migrants from Germany and the Continent. Special Forces shall neutralize these threats, in cooperation with police, or at their discretion, by means of lethal force. Special Forces shall thus achieve the goal of decapitating radical Muslim and jihadist leadership, either by means of capture or physical elimination. Deprived of leadership, migrants should demonstrate compliance with orders from coalition forces.

SF units shall conduct psychological operations against migrants.

SF personnel shall also facilitate the direction of travel of migrant columns.

SF personnel, in cooperation with German law enforcement, shall ensure that migrants do not stray from the departure corridor, either to the right, or to the left.

Special Forces units may be deployed to areas where there is no significant Allied military or police presence, or for the purpose of maintaining communications links between major Allied units.

Among the Special Forces that shall participate in Operation “Reforger-Sobieski” are:

Hungarian 34th SF Battalion

Slovakian 5th SF Regiment (1 x company)

US 3rd, 7th, and 20th Special Forces Groups (3 x regiments, for total of 12 battalions)

The US 3rd Special Forces Group shall stage in Bremenhaven and thence deploy for operations on the Berlin-Magdeburg-Erfurt axis.

The US 7th Special Forces Group shall stage in the Ramstein-Kaiserslautern area and thence deploy in the Coburg-Karlsruhe-München triangle.

The US 20th Special Forces Group shall stage in the Ramstein-Kaiserslautern area and thence deploy and operate in the Köln-Bonn-Mainz gap, in conjunction with Netherlands forces.

Separate US Special Forces battalions may be detached for independent operations.

German KSK Brigade

German Special Forces shall have the task of apprehending and detaining former Chancellor Merkel and members of her regime, if they have not already been captured; neutralizing jihadist leadership; and conducting psychological operations against migrants.

Danish Special Forces:

Danish Special Forces (about 400 strong) shall precede the Danish 1st Division into Germany, with missions to neutralize militant Muslim clerics and jihadists, and facilitate the exit of Muslim and African migrants from Germany. Danish SF shall precede Danish 1st Brigade into the city of Kiel, and later, in Phase 2, into cities of Neustadt and Lubeck.


Netherlands Armed Forces:

The mission of Dutch forces shall be to prevent the influx of Muslim and African migrants from Germany into the Netherlands, secure the German towns in their operational zone, in cooperation with Bereitschaftspolizei and local police forces, and direct migrant traffic toward departure corridors, for exit from their operational zone, Germany and Europe.

The Dutch 43rd Mechanized Brigade shall muster and depart from the vicinity of Havelte, in an easterly direction toward the German border, with the objectives of securing Emden, Oldenburg, and Bremen.

The Dutch 11th Airmobile Brigade shall muster, mount onto trucks, and depart the vicinity of Schaarsbergen; it shall advance in an easterly direction toward the city of Münster and secure the roads into and out of that region.

The Dutch 13th Light Brigade shall muster and depart the vicinity of Oirschot, toward the German border in the direction of Aachen. The 13th Light Brigade shall cross the border, secure Aachen and the approaches to Aachen, and close the German border with Belgium, to prevent the flight of fugitive German officials, and forestall any French or Belgian attempts to frustrate the objectives of Operation “Reforger-Sobieski”.

The Netherlands Marine Regiment:

The Netherlands Marine Regiment shall muster in Doorn and Rotterdam; it shall then cross the frontier with Germany, in the direction of Düsseldorf.

Danish Armed Forces:

The mission of Danish forces shall be to prevent the influx of Muslim and African migrants from Germany into Denmark, secure the German towns in their operational zone in cooperation with Bereitschaftspolizei and other police forces, and direct migrant traffic toward departure corridors for exit from their operational zone, Germany and Europe.

The Danish 1st Brigade shall muster and depart the vicinity of Haderslev, in the direction of the German border; the Danish 2nd Brigade shall muster and depart the vicinity of Slagelse, in a westerly and thence southerly direction, toward the German border. The Danish 1st Brigade shall march across the German border on an axis Flensburg-Schleswig, diverging into two columns, via Routes 7 and 76, to the line of the Kiel Canal; the Danish 2nd Brigade shall march across the German border from the vicinity of Tønder, on an axis Süderlügum-Hattstedt-Südermarsch. The Brigade shall then divide into 2 columns, one marching on an axis Südermarsch-Tönning, the other marching on an axis Südermarsch-Friedrichstadt-Erfde. The 1st Column/Danish 2nd Brigade shall then proceed to the line of the Kiel Canal, via Routes 5 and 23; the 2nd Column/Danish 2nd Brigade shall proceed to the line of the Kiel Canal via Route 202 East. The Danish 2nd Brigade shall, in cooperation with local German police forces, secure the line of the Kiel Canal, between Brunsbüttel and Rendsburg (inclusive). The Danish 1st Brigade shall secure the line of the Kiel Canal between Rendsburg (exclusive) and the city of Kiel (inclusive). 

Polish Forces:

The mission of Polish forces shall be to prevent the influx of Muslim and African migrants from Germany into Poland, secure the German towns in their operational zone, in cooperation with Bereitschaftspolizei and local police forces, and direct migrant traffic to departure corridors for exit from their operational zone, Germany and Europe.

The Polish 12th Mechanized Division shall muster and depart from the vicinity of Szczeciń, in the direction of the German border, and subsequently Berlin and Neubrandenburg.

The Polish 16th Mechanized Division shall muster and depart the vicinity of Elbląg, and its subordinate casernes, in the direction of Szczeciń, where it will prepare for deployment as a second-echelon force.

The Polish 17th Mechanized Regiment shall muster and depart from the vicinity of Międzyrzecz, in the direction of the German border and Frankfurt-an-der-Oder.

The Polish 11th Armored Division shall muster and depart from the vicinity of Żagań, in the direction of the German border, and subsequently Cottbus and Dresden.

Czech Forces:

The mission of Czech forces shall be to prevent the influx of Muslim and African migrants from Germany, into the Czech Republic; secure the German towns in their operational zone, in cooperation with local police forces; and to direct migrant traffic toward departure corridors for exit from their operational zone, Germany and Europe.

The Czech 4th Mechanized Brigade shall muster and depart from the vicinity of Žatec, and proceed to the German border, and subsequently, Chemnitz and Zwickau. The Czech 7th Mechanized Brigade shall muster and depart the vicinity of Hranice, in the direction of Žatec, and prepare for deployment as a second-echelon force.

German Forces:

The mission of German forces shall be to direct migrants from German towns to departure corridors for exit from Germany and Europe; secure departure corridors of said migrants and conduct them from town to town along the route of departure, in coordination with Bereitschaftspolizei (federal and Länder) and local police forces, until said migrants have departed Germany and Europe.


Until main force German and Allied units arrive, the Bereitschaftspolizei and local police will be the first line of defense in many German towns and states. Their duties shall be to maintain order, neutralize Muslim jihadist/radical cleric leadership, direct Muslim and African migrants to departure corridors, and preclude Antifa violence. As German and Allied units advance and regain control of German territory, the mission of Bereitschaftspolizei units shall be to ensure the public safety and to ensure that no migrant has been left behind.

German Main Forces:

German main force units begin operations in an extended order.

German main force units are listed below:

1st Panzer Division, composed of the 21st and 9th Panzer Brigades, and the 41st Panzergrenadier Brigade.

10th Panzer Division, composed of the 37th Panzergrenadier Brigade, the 12th Panzer Brigade, the 23rd Mountain Brigade, and the Franco-German Brigade.

1st Fallschirmjäger Brigade.

As operations progress, it is desirable that the dispersed brigades and subunits of the German 1st and 10th Panzer Divisions reassemble with their parent units, in order to simplify command and supply.

The US 2nd Cavalry Regiment shall begin operations attached to the 10th Panzer Division.

The German 41st Panzergrenadier Brigade shall muster and depart in a southerly direction, from the vicinity of Neubrandenburg, en route to Berlin, with the mission of preventing the escape of the Merkel Administration and subsequently taking it into custody.

The German 37th Panzer-Grenadier Brigade shall muster in the vicinity of Frankenberg Saxony; it shall depart in a northerly direction, en route to Berlin, with the missions of securing the capital, preventing the escape of the Merkel Regime and taking it into custody.

The US 2nd Cavalry Regiment shall muster in the vicinity of Vilseck, Germany. It shall be attached to the German 10th Panzer Division in the initial stages of Phase 1 of “Reforger-Sobieski”.

The 1st Squadron/2nd Cavalry Regiment shall depart Vilseck, en route to the town of Hof; the 1st Squadron shall secure the town of Hof and the junction of Route 9 and Route 2.

The 2nd Squadron/2nd Cavalry Regiment shall depart Vilseck, en route to the city of Bayreuth.

The 2nd Squadron shall secure Bayreuth and the minor highway intersections with Route 9, just to the north of the city, securing the migrant departure corridor in that region.

The 3rd Squadron/2nd Cavalry Regiment shall secure Route E51 between Bayreuth and Nürnberg, preparing that road as a migrant departure corridor.

The 4th Squadron/2nd Cavalry Regiment shall remain on alert in reserve.

The German 12th Panzer Brigade shall secure route E56 between Nürnberg and Regensburg as a refugee route of return.

As the German 41st and 37th Panzer-Grenadier Brigades are moving toward Berlin, first-echelon Polish forces (Polish 12th Mechanized and 11th Armored Divisions, and 17th Mechanized Regiment) shall secure Neubrandenburg and the eastern and southeastern approaches to Berlin.

The German 23rd Mountain Brigade shall secure the city of München and the region surrounding it.

The German battalions of the Franco-German Brigade shall muster and depart the vicinity of Freiburg, and advance in the directions of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart, with the objective of herding migrant traffic to Route 8, and securing the territory south of that highway.

The German 26th Fallschirmjäger Regiment/1st Fallschirmjäger Brigade shall muster in the Saarland region. It shall secure the border towns of Trier and Saarbrücken. If practicable, the Regiment shall send a battalion to secure the town of Koblenz.

The German 31st Fallschirmjäger Regiment/1st Fallschirmjäger Brigade shall be attached to the 1st Panzer Division.

Austrian Forces:

The mission of Austrian forces shall be to conduct Muslim and African migrants from Germany, in cooperation with Bereitschaftspolizei and NATO forces, along the corridor of departure, and to prevent the digression of the said migrants, or any one of them, from the departure corridor. Austrian forces shall conduct the refugee columns to the Slovenian border. Between Austria’s borders with Germany and Slovenia, NATO vanguard and rear guard forces shall reinforce Austrian Army units in their mission to conduct refugee columns through Austria and into Slovenia. At the Austrian border with Slovenia, control of repatriation and stability operations through the Balkans shall be relayed to the Italian Army.

The Austrian 6th Brigade shall cross the German-Austrian frontier in the vicinity of Bregenz and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in order to secure those border areas; its battalions shall then advance in the direction of Ulm-Neu Ulm and München, with the objective of herding migrant traffic to Route 8/Route E52.

Austrian active-duty regiments and battalions shall secure the border crossings with Germany; Austrian reservist battalions shall be called up, to bring regiments and brigades up to strength.

The Austrian 4th Heavy Mechanized Brigade shall secure the city of Salzburg, its suburbs, and the approaches to and from the region, with assistance from local police. The 4th Heavy Mechanized Brigade shall be highly visible to the refugee column.

The Austrian 3rd Brigade shall cross the German border and secure the town of Passau, in cooperation with local police.

As reservist battalions come into line, they shall deploy to either side of the migrant departure corridor, and prevent the defection of refugees, or any one of them, from the departure corridor.

Hungarian Forces:

The Hungarian 25th Mechanized Brigade shall muster in the vicinity of Tata and prepare for deployment along the Austrian, Slovenian, and Croatian frontiers, with a view to crossing the frontier in cooperation with national forces, in order to assist in preparations for refugee traffic control and any necessary security operations.

The Hungarian 5th Light Brigade shall muster in the vicinity of Debrecen and prepare to depart in the direction of Berlin (the German capital city), for deployment as a second-echelon force; as “Reforger-Sobieski” develops, the 5th Light Brigade shall be on alert for deployment to either Germany or the Balkans, to assist local national forces.

The Hungarian 34th Special Forces Battalion shall muster in the vicinity of Szolnok; it shall depart Szolnok and deploy to staging area in Międzyrzecz, Poland for operations southwest of Berlin, on the Berlin-Magdeburg-Erfurt axis.

The Hungarian 88th Airborne Battalion shall muster in the vicinity of Szolnok; it shall be on alert for deployment to the Balkans, for operations along the migrant departure corridor, under Italian command; if necessary, it shall be subordinated to the Polish Corps for operations in Germany.

The Hungarian River Flotilla shall muster in Budapest and carry out patrols along the Danube River, to prevent unauthorized Muslim migrant traffic on the waterway and its tributaries. Muslim migrant traffic is authorized along the prescribed departure corridor.

Slovakian Forces: The Slovakian 5th Special Forces Regiment shall muster and deploy for operations on the Magdeburg-Erfurt axis.

UK Forces in Germany:

UK Forces in Germany are not initial participants in Operation “Reforger-Sobieski”, due to London’s institutionalized policy of repression against Britons, Christians, and Europeans in general. German police are posted outside British bases and British commanders are ordered to sequester their forces, until such time that their government authorizes intervention in support of “Reforger-Sobieski”.

United States Forces:

Though the United States shall have overall command of Operation “Reforger-Sobieski”, a number of US units shall be attached to German Army and Bereitschaftspolizei formations.

The mission of US forces shall be to direct migrants from German towns to departure corridors, for exit from Germany and Europe; secure departure corridors and conduct migrants from town to town along the route of departure, in cooperation with Bereitschaftspolizei and local police, until said migrants have departed Germany and Europe.

US forces that shall be mobilized for “Reforger-Sobieski” are as follows:

US 82nd Airborne Division

US 101st Airborne Division

US 75th Ranger Regiment

US 2nd Cavalry Regiment (attached to German 10th Panzer Division)

US 173rd Airborne Brigade

US 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade

US 2nd Marine Division

US 18th Military Police Brigade (constituent units attached to US and German formations)

Several American formations shall be airlifted to Germany, according to a timetable that shall allow for their participation in “Reforger-Sobieski”, immediately beginning H-Hour, D-Day. American formations that shall be airlifted are listed as follows:

US 82nd Airborne Division (from CONUS)

US 101st Airborne Division (from CONUS)

US 75th Ranger Regiment (from CONUS)

US 173rd Airborne Brigade (from Italy, if required)

US 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (from CONUS to Bremerhaven; equipment to be sea-lifted from Norway to Bremen).

US forces that shall be sea-lifted to Europe are listed below.

US 2nd Marine Division (from CONUS).

The US 2nd Marine Division shall be directed to Italy, where it shall reinforce Italian and allied units managing the Departure Corridor through the Balkans; it may be deployed against the Turkish Armed Forces, if necessary.

US Deployment and Advance to Initial Objectives:

US 18th MP Brigade. The units of the 18th MP Brigade, being dispersed throughout southern Germany and northern Italy, shall be directly subordinate to US units when located in proximity to US forces, or shall be attached to Germany military or Bereitschaftspolizei formations. US Military Police companies shall secure US bases of operation; detached MP units shall assist German Army, German Police, or coalition Special Forces in their missions for the duration of “Reforger-Sobieski”, or until they are reassigned to US units.

The US 82nd Airborne Division, 101st Airborne Division, and 75th Ranger Regiment shall deploy to Ramstein Airbase. US units shall depart Ramstein Airbase and proceed to secure cities and towns of Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen, and Baden-Württemburg.

The US 82nd Airborne Division shall secure German cities and towns in a sector Wiesbaden-Mainz-Ramstein-Pirmasens-Zweibrücken-Trier; the approximate boundary line between the US 82nd Airborne Div and US 75th Ranger Rgt shall be Route 63 Mainz-Kaiserslautern.

The US 75th Ranger Regiment shall secure German cities and towns in a sector Darmstadt-Mannheim-Kaiserslautern. The approximate boundary line between the US 75th Ranger Rgt and the US 101st Airborne Div shall be Route 37 Kaiserslautern-Mannheim.

The US 101st Airborne Division shall secure German cities and towns in a sector Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Pirmasens (excl)-Kaiserslautern (excl)-Ludwigshafen.

The US 173rd Airborne Brigade shall be on alert for possible deployment as reinforcement to “Reforger-Sobieski”; if not required as reinforcement, it shall prepare to support Italian-led operations in the Balkans.

The US 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade shall be airlifted to the port city of Bremenhaven, which it shall secure and hold until the arrival of its heavy equipment by sea from Norway.

Switzerland and Swiss Forces:

Switzerland is not an original party to planning of Operation “Reforger-Sobieski”, but immediately the operation starts, Swiss armed forces are mobilized as a precaution against Muslim commotions in their own state. The Allies and Zurich are in contact with one another from the very first minutes of Operation “Reforger-Sobieski”; the Swiss government offers to make forces available to the Allies, for the duration of “Reforger-Sobieski”.

The Swiss 4th Mechanized Brigade and 11th Mechanized Brigade are swiftly brought up to full strength and within hours cross the border into Baden-Württemburg.

Battalions of the Swiss 4th Mechanized shall advance from Basel to Freiburg, and thence to Baden-Baden, with a German battalion of the Franco-German Brigade; Battalions of the Swiss 11th Mechanized shall cross the border into Singen and proceed as far as Stuttgart, accompanied by a German battalion of the Franco-German Brigade; Swiss reserves shall be mobilized and placed on alert for advances into Baden-Württemburg, Bavaria, and western Austria to assist in security and refugee departure operations, if requested. In addition to security duties and operating with German battalions, Swiss Army battalions shall support the German Bereitschaftspolizei in its security operations.




[1] Danish and Dutch willingness to intervene are based on a report by Dr. Steven Turley, that those two states are aligned with the Visegrad Group, in its opposition to EU hegemony.

[2] The non-participation of these NATO members is assumed, based on the hostility of French President Macron to French nationalism, the apparent sabotage of BREXIT by Prime Minister Theresa May, scuttling the legal British effort to leave the EU, and Belgium for the role of its capitol, Brussels, as the seat of European Union power.


Mr. Cloutier is an author and translator of several books.

Three Kings: Axis Royal Armies on the Russian Front 1941.

Three Kings: Axis Royal Armies on the Russian Front 1942.

Regio Esercito: the Italian Royal Army in Mussolini’s Wars, 1935-1943


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